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  • Buy FHL. A full copy of the software is needed to use most of these files.

FHLSim Homemade Add-ons

  • FHL-Salary
    from: Simon Tremblay
    Change the salary of all players by the % of your choice; from 1% to 300%

FHLSim 3rd Party Add-ons

* indicates a link directly to the files.

  • XtraStats for FHL 1.5 *
    from: Fred Hurtubise & Wynn Fenwick
    XtraStats parses FHL boxscore output, generating an page of extra statistics which includes ice time per game, points per game and many others. CareerStats reads the Team Scoring files of previous seasons and generates a career stats output that is sortable by all the stats in FHL plus a few more.

    The original website is no longer working. Since this add-on is very popular, FHLSim is making it available from is website but we do not give support for this add-on. It's the same thing for Career Stats if you find on the web.
  • Farm Stats * / FHL Stuff *
    from: Daniel Gothe
    FarmStats - reads the FHL league files and reports on the farm statistics on a team-by-team basis. It is a great complement to the FarmLeaders and FarmStandings reports that FHL generates.
    FHL Stuff - A collection of misc routines
  • FA Editor / TStats
    from: Tim Lapsley
    FA Editor - This program is for the commissioner and the GM's. It allows a GM to view all the free agents at the end of a season sort them by position, make offers to them and then output the offers in a text file format.
    TStats - It will read all the boxscores outputted from FHL and create a text file with the sum of all the players stats. This text file can then be mailed to GM's and allow them to sort by any category they wish or by the comissioner to create any combination of stats.
  • FHL Tools
    from: Peter Pop & Robert Widell
    A tool for creating DRS's. Currently features CSV/DRS/ROS import, Random Player Generation, DRS & Entry Draft TXT output and HTML report generation.
  • SalaryCOP
    from: Dany Rocheleau - CenterIce Software
    This is a program that will allow you to quickly maintain that all clubs are staying below the salary cap. It reads your files and will calculate a team's payroll, then output a page giving the status of payrolls.
  • DFC-DRS File Creator *
    from: Micheal Poisler
    Set of VBS scripts converts DRS and ROS files to and from CSV files:

    The original link is no longer working. Since this add-on is very popular, FHLSim is making it available from is website but we do not give support for this add-on.
  • Roster Package
    from: Al Barkhouse
    Rerates for all players who played at least one NHL game in 2000-2001.

There are a number of FHL addon utilities available and as the list increases, it becomes harder to track. Additional software lists can also be found at FHLWorld, Fantasy Sports Zone and the FHL Addon Forums.

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